list of projects
Samsung Appcademy Winner
Develop the future of Smart TVs - I developed the "Ultra Smart App" - an App concept you can use on Smart TVs, Tablets and Smartphones. You can use this app to communicate between all devices.
See my winning Idea
New KPS Website with CMS
I developed the whole KPS Dosiertechnik Website with the Content Managment System Drupal. I worked with Adobe CS6, dreamweaver, html (5), css java and javascript.
See the KPS Website
Car Insurance Website is a plattform for all people who want to buy a new Car. The User can compare the costs of different car insurance companys and check the car tax of the new car. The code is written by myself like all graphics, html/css and php scripts.
Race & Fun TV Youtube
This is my Youtube Channel Race & Fun TV - more than 5.000.000 Video Views, 13k Subscribers and it expand every day a little bit more. I produce new Videos every month and help the viewers with my "Do it Yourself" Tutorials.
Go to Race & Fun TV
Deutschland Dated
A concept of a convergent tv dating show - it was created while my study in Furtwangen for a fictional ZDF Dating Plattform. The user can watch short video-clips additional to the fictional TV Show. I programmed the Website and did the voice acting for the short clips and cut the short clips in Premiere CS6.
See the Deutschland Dated Concept
Night Life App
User Interface UI and User Experience UX was essential for this project. It is the concept of a Smartphone App to find new pubs and local events, partys and discos. Programmed as a flash clickdummy, graphics created with Photoshop CS6 and Illustrator CS6.
The Night Life App
Kieninger Uhrenshop
It was the relaunch of the luxurious Kieninger Uhrenshop - a high priced traditional german watch manufacturer. I did an UE test with this Shop and designed it for the target audience. Also developed the new media library.
Visit the Kieninger Uhrenshop
Yourfone Product Design
As part of a competition I designed three different products for the Yourfone Online Shop. I developed a Casette Player Case, a 2 in 1 Sound Adapter and a Phone Docking Station.
Yourfone Contest
HD Campus TV
During my study I produced 12 Short Movies for the GLF Campus TV Furtwangen. These short movies was televised by HD Campus TV in digital cable television. You can watch them by typing my name in the search mask on HD Campus.
Go to HD Campus TV
Architecture Contest
I designed this 39m³ appartment for a contest with Cinema 4D and Adobe Photoshop in 2010. The task was very complexe and I created a rotating plattform in the middle of the appartment. I called my Idea "Rotating Life".
See my Idea "Rotating Life"
Official Le Mans 24h T-Shirt
In 2012 I won the 24h Le Mans official T-Shirt contest with my idea "Aire de jeux pour le grands enfants" which means "Playground for the big kids." The 24h Le Mans Race is one of the biggest and most important races worldwide with millions of viewers.
See my winning Idea
Party & People Photography
I worked for the lokal Newspaper "Südkurier" and had a job as a party & people photographer. I shoot thousands of pictures and made hundrets of people smiling for me. Type in my Name in the search Mask of Südkurier in the Link below to see my work.
My work in the Südkurier Archive
Pidoco Weapon Shop
With the Prototyping Plattform Pidoco I created a Weaponshop for legal Guns in 6. Semester of the Hochschule
Furtwangen University in the field of study "Website Prototyping". UE and UI was very important for this project and
I did a user research for this project.
Go to the Pidoco Weapon Shop
Writer for Newspaper
Since 2013 I am a freelance Writer and Photographer for the local Newspaper Südkurier. It is the 2nd biggest Newspaper in Baden Württemberg with over 125.000 editions per day. Simply type in my Name in the Südkurier Search.
My work in the Südkurier Archive
Samsung YourSmart App
The YourSmart App was my 2nd App for Samsung, I developed the App with Java, Eclipse, Html & CSS for the
second round of the Samsung Appcademy. It was a fully working App on Samsung Smart TVs and the function was like a kind of Newspaper on TV & Tablet.
See the YourSmart App
Sweet Pick Nick App
The Sweet Pick Nick App was a concept developed in 5. Semester in the field of study "Ambient Media".
You can find locations nearby where you can make a Pick Nick and you can rate the places you visited.